Wednesday 3 November 2010

Example magazine contents pages

This picture is quite relevent to the kind of layout I would like to use because the picture is the same kind of layout that I'd like to use with one of my pictures. This contents page is eyecatching, easy to read and not too jumbled. It is simple yet effective. The black writing matches her dress and I like the fact that the picture is in black and white, contrasting to the red and gold.
I like the way this contents page is layed out. The colours correspond with each other and there is an ongoing theme of pink and grey. This contents page has an interesting look about it but I think the font makes it look a little too complicated. This is not a dance magazine contents page and I have found it very hard to come across a dance magazine contents page so I am working with the best I could find.
Personally I think this status is a bit boring. The writing is very small and I do not think the layout is overly good either. I do like how the headline of this page however. This page has a theme colour of grey.

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