Wednesday 8 December 2010

Music magazine research

My focus for my music magazine will be a kind of rock style. This is because I have a lot of influence by the band Paramore, who are a rock band. I love the way rock magazines are layed out and would love to have that kind of layour for my own magazine. A focus that I would like to pursue is the magazine's being of bands, not solo artists. Here are a few examples:

This magazine cover of Duffy is exactly the kind of thing I would like for my magazine. I like the central picture with the information around the sides, all the colours are consecutive and it works very well. The target audience for this type of cover is middle aged women, I think. The magazine cover next to Duffy's one is quite different. The same magazine has edited its style slightly to suit the model on the front. Hayley Williams is a bolder, more original female singer, and I think that is shown through the picture and also the big 'PARAMORE' across the page. I especially like the colours on this page.
Slightly different to the two above, the front cover of this one is quite sexual. I dont think the colours are very good in this one for they are not entirely consecutive. The picture is not focused enough with the rest of the cover.
This one is a personal favourite of mine. I like the way Hayley Williams is the central picture and also how it is quite direct to fans, because it is quite personal. Any fans of paramore would see this and want to read it.
Having said that I'd like to do a photo shoot of a band, this is going to be quite hard to do. What I have decided to now focus my research on is female rockstars. The three women that I will focus on are Hayley Williams, Avril Lavigne and P!nk.

Although this picture is actually of the band, I love how direct and focused this picture is. It is as though she is reaching out to the reader.

This photo of Pink is quite aggressive but I think it works really well. It shows a lot of expression and also the idea of rock and roll. It would be very fun to replicate a photograph like this because of the flawless hair and aggressive looking make up.  

Again, this photo shows a lot of expression. What I like most about this is that her eyes looks very big, which is relevent to the model who I will use, for she has very big eyes.

Avril Lavigne has a different kind of look to the other two. I would call this photo kind of sexual because of the intense glare from the eyes. Although the model I will use does not have long hair, so I will probably use the shorter hair styles shown in the above pictures.

This picture here is one of my favourites of Pink. The green leggins contrast to the black leather jacket and white hair. The microphone also shows us that singing and performing is her proffession. The snarling smile on her face also shows what kind of music she sings.

Just focusing on Hayley Williams in this picture, I think that this is a very good picture. It is directed totally to the camera and her facial expression is quite different. I like the contrast between her pale face and her vivid hair.

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